Letter filed in the office of President of the Republic of Brazi


Lula, you’re a crook!
Do you not do without treatment landlady, much less excellence, because you do not recognize in intellectual or moral authority to be my president. I am a simple citizen, with 62 years of age, disgusted with the bull shit, mismanagement and thievery sponsored by his government and allies. I am not affiliated with any political party nor have any intentions to run for public office. I am a Brazilian who rebels outraged to realize that this country will not offer to my children and grandchildren a decent place to live. Today, I feel ashamed to be Brazilian to see my country have a government and allies so dishonest, so unscrupulous, so as liars and corrupt.
I’m sure, knowing the methods practiced by banditry that surrounds it, I’m risking my integrity, who knows my life. But only cowards agree to submit to governments and corrupt scoundrels like yours. I will use the same language creeping you always used and still used today to refer to political opponents of the present, because of the past, “bandits” became “good guys”. That said, let’s get down to business.
I’m sure that millions of Brazilians like to tell you the same thing. I mean I do not owe him any respect, because a president who says what he wants, hears what does not want. A president who’s sort of idiot who disagrees with his populist policies that are transforming Brazil into a country of vagabonds, who uses words and terms pimps without any constraint, which prided themselves on having studied little, not to speak another language and have become president and , thus, indirectly, to induce people to believe that it is necessary to study or work to succeed in life, does not deserve my respect. A president who downgraded the institution presidency and political institutions to their lowest levels ever seen, does not deserve my respect. Who allied with the scum of Brazilian politics, who said snakes and lizards in the past, does not deserve my respect. A president who violates these attacks and opposition politicians and, indirectly, its voters like you have systematically disregarded, does not deserve my respect. A president whose party stormed the machinery of government with the sole purpose of pleasing his fellow militants, does not deserve my respect. A president of a party that spent 25 years selling yourself as the paragon and champion of morality and ethics in politics and that since coming to power, the government proved corrupt and a liar over the country has ever had (other than to say in the past did bravado), does not deserve my respect.
A president who seeks to play against Brazilians Brazilians, encouraging hatred between people who despise and insult those that are more intellectually or financially successful as their own guilt by the plight of the disadvantaged, does not deserve my respect. Never mind that, in most cases, those earned their place in the sun with much study, hard work and dedication, while the latter also in most cases, preferred to lead a life without effort or were parasitized workers in a labor union.
1. You are a demagogue, a liar, spineless, and corrupt.
Have you no shame in the face. Say we never know anything about the Maracutaia of his government and his party, is the biggest lie ever applied in this country. José Dirceu is not the gang leader, is you. I’m not accusing you of theft. They are his former comrades.
Or you deny the charges that you did the founders of the former PT PT Paulo de Tarso Wenceslas – Former Secretary of Finance about the robbery in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Cesar Benjamin, coordinator of the first two campaigns for the presidency of the PTRepublic, about the theft of funds from FAT?
Do you deny?
If it was a lie, because you are not sued?
Why do not you sued Frei Beto walked away disgusted that what you saw?
2. When the catastrophic floods occurred in S. Catherine, you showed how many days later?10, 15? All the victims have received aid they were promised?
– When the landslide occurred in Angra dos Reis you never came by. Or show up? How many days later?
– When the accident rushed to the plane of TAM at the Congonhas airport, you came there?
Now, to appear for the international media, you rushed and two days after the earthquake in Chile was already there.
3. Other miscreants attitudes: while many states and municipalities need financial help to solve its problems, its government creates difficulties to help them simply because they are the rulers of opposition. Surveys show that most of the resources released by their government for municipalities was administered by PT. Moreover, there is a lack of hospitals, schools, prisons, decent working conditions in health, security is in chaos, drug trafficking has expanded ever so much, and many other abuses and neglect. Retirees each year see their income decline.
However, you ordered the BNDES to finance the genocide of Fidel, the coca grower’s Morales, Chavez crazy. How many billions of dollars were borrowed?
1, 2 or more?
And the cancellation of debts contracted by Brazil with banana republics governed (mostly) by dictators, genocide and corrupt?
Was how many millions of dollars?
800 million?
All this is a mockery of the Brazilian population.
And what about the declared intention of buying 36 Rafale fighters for the same price that India will pay for 126, as reported?
Or a price far higher than those offered by the U.S. and Sweden?
Say it is for strategic reasons?
Have pity! Do not judge all Brazilians are like idiots most of his constituents.
4. And the machinery of the state for PT?
There is no concern about the swelling of the machinery of government, since this provides the “cumpanherada” a lifestyle that has always condemned. Today, most PT billeted in ministries and state forms a new class: the bourgeoisie of foreign capital.
5. Why the CPI was barred from Petrobras? Fear that is discovered the greater diversion of public money ever seen in the country?
6. When the Cuban boxers applied for political asylum in Brazil during the Pan games, you acted fast: ordered to arrest them and deport them to Cuba the next day a plane given by Chavez to please his idol Fidel.
Tell yourself that the granting of political asylum is one of the most worthy and respectable international actions that a democratic government can and should play, especially when the plaintiff’s asylum or escape a dictatorship. Moreover, surely you will grant refuge to a criminal cold and cruel, a affront to the people, the Government and the Italian judiciary. And what about the sentences handed down by you about the Cuban dissident? Unfortunate that he died because he stopped eating!.
It is a mockery!
He preferred to die than live under a dictatorship, stupid!
Claiming that it became common to say that you send letters, but keep that to himself, and it takes them Protocol, is an unacceptable naughtiness. Well I’m filing this my expression of outrage and indignation.
Let’s see if his advisers will arrive at the destination. Who would not receive the letter carriers of Cuban dissidents were officials megalonanico Celso Amorim. Needed the letter, if the world press has reported repeatedly that there was Zapatta weeks on hunger strike?
Why do not you phoned his friend Fidel and interceded for the freedom of the unhappy?
And the most recent case: you ask what would be in Brazil if the bandits S. Paul to solve hunger strike for their release.
Compare Cuban dissidents, whose “crime” is to disagree with the Castro dictatorship, with bandits and common criminals in Brazil, is an affront. It considers all Brazilians as if they were idiots.
So cynical and inhuman, his government did not vote for conviction, the UN, the genocidal dictator of Sudan, which killed more than 300,000 countrymen in Darfur.
Rulers who claim to be defenders of democracy but who are allied dictators, genocide and human rights violators, they are just rogues and people with no character.
They say one thing and do another.
7. And the circus promoted with respect to Honduras? You and your courtiers Marco Aurelio Garcia Celso Amorim ashamed and Brazil.
Insist that anyone who gave a blow were the Honduran military, is a monumental dishonesty.
The truth is that the buck Zelaya wanted to violate the Constitution of that country.
In Brazil, its
thugs then try to amend the Constitution to muzzle the legislature, the judiciary and the press.
8. Why not assume that the PT is a partner of drug dealers?
Or the PT is not in the same socio FARC narco-terrorist organization which is the Sao Paulo Forum?
Denies you and Marco Aurelio Garcia signed the minutes of the founding of Sao Paulo Forum, along with the FARC and other leftist organizations, communists and terrorists in the early 1990s, once the Berlin Wall fell.
9. And the outrageous lies on the CAP. The farce was unmasked a long time by the opposition and an editorial in the Washington Post. Not enough to include works constructed and financed by states, municipalities and private companies now denounces as a Leaf, data on the PAC works are faked. Indeed, dissimulation, lying, slander, libel and slander,
tools are preferred by most PTs to politics and reach their opponents. Look what they did against the former president Cardoso and his wife Dona Ruth, against then-candidate Serra (when candidate for governor of São Paulo), Jorge Eduardo and against so many other politicians.
When Governor Jose Serra has a mockup of a work that intends to bid and build (a bridge linking Santos to Guaruja) you so liar and scoundrel, says in TVs “that are already opening up model!
That lack of character!
What a scam!
Not ordinary people escape unscathed the fury of slander and defamation, when simply
stand against the bull shit of his government or – that mortal sin! – Are not PT.
Explain all these knaveries, great world leader.
Leader just for people like you or uninformed, or stupid or corrupt, they do not know where they were dropped from 2003: in the hands of a bunch of trade unionists parasites or opportunists, guerrillas, bank robbers, communists repressed and corrupt. The range is wide enough to choose which category each fits.
Leading to an absolute majority of journalists coopted by who knows what motives and means.You are transforming Brazil into a republic slut instead of a country that ethics, honesty, respect for the honor of people and love of country, truth and liberty are the foundations that must sustain a great nation. You’re killing people’s dignity.
Not enough people have enough to eat. They also need food for your soul, your spirit so that they can really have an awareness of good citizenship, patriotism and nationality. And this food is the moral dignity.
If the international community know what is really the Lula government, the court would never do that makes them.
God willing, the Brazilian people will realize the scam that is your government and forever waive this gang around him and now is in power. Unless the majority is the uninformed, stupid, ignorant or corrupt.

With no respect and admiration.

Delmar Philippsen


In the movie “2012”, by German director Roland Emmerich, the Christ the Redeemer is destroyed along with other famous buildings around the world. The use of the image of the famous statue in Rio, however, was not authorized by the Archdiocese of Rio, which now seeks compensation for distributor Columbia Pictures for misuse.

According to Claudine Dutra, head of legal department of the archdiocese, the negotiation is being done amicably and there is still no action against Columbia and not a stipulated amount of damages.

“They came to us in pre-production of the film, I think in 2008, for permission and it was denied. Even so, they used the Christ in the movie, “said the lawyer.

The general direction of Columbia said the case is being handled by lawyers in Los Angeles, the United States.

According to a spokesperson for the archdiocese, Christ the Redeemer is owned by the church and therefore the court would have the right to deny use of the image of the statue.


Also according to Claudine, in December 2009, one month after the premiere of the film, Columbia has received a notification and the lawyers of the distributor is portrayed in a meeting with the staff of the archdiocese.

In the document, according to the archdiocese, they apologized by saying that “under no circumstances use the statue in the film ‘2012 ‘had the intention to cause injury or otherwise attacked or harmed the image of the church or the Catholic faith.”

“We understand, but that is not enough. There was the misuse of the image, the faithful looked angry, “said the lawyer.

There remains some questions, such as:

The monument of Christ, was built by public subscription, which means it was the people who paid, so if someone needs to get some sort of compensation, this should not be someone the people?



We are losing the most precious we have in democracy: the right of expression.

The first journalist to suffer curtailment of the right to inform and as a result of their real, compelling and well founded comments against the excesses of the current government, was Boris Casoy.
According to the news of the day, he was dismissed at the request of Lula himself.
However in the eyes of the less attentive, the thing has escalated so overwhelming and dangerous, but let’s see:
The Programa do Jô had closed (without giving any satisfaction to the public) under the “Las Meninas do Jô” which was presented on Wednesdays where journalists Lilian Witifibe, Ana Maria Tahan, Cristiana Lobo, Lucia Hippólito and sometimes other more, brought to the public and debated all the shenanigans perpetrated by the gang of corrupt overtaking the country. The interviews on political issues have not been carried out more today. Became a program of amenities and without any brilliance.
Journalist Arnaldo Jabor, considered disaffected by the current government, has been suffering, subtly and systematically all kinds retaliation. Already been prosecuted, convicted, gagged and so on. Your participation rates, at 07:10 on Radio CBN has been limited to matters of no relevance that it had, given that he is unable to speak on matters involving national policy and the current government.
Journalist Hippólito Lucia, who had an interest daily at 07:55 pm on Radio CBN, is no longer occupying the station’s microphone as he did and no announcement was made by the anchor of the time, the journalist Herodotus Shop.
Softly, put it as an anchor in another time, which focuses on materials milder and without the usual true and founded sharpness.
Diogo Mainardi, from Look Magazine, and processed, has suffered several death threats from the newspaper of the MR-8 (which is part of the governing coalition to Lulla) and members of so-called “Social Movements.”
The newspaper Estadão “Sao Paulo is heavily censored government for at least 60 days.
For you see, Fidel Castro is making school in South America
The first to put into practice these teachings, annihilating the right of the press was Hugo Chavez, and by the turn of events our PresiMENTE is treading the same path.

Read the full comment made by journalist Dora Kraemer, in Estadão Sunday.
Highlight the following passage which I quote:
“Jabor is part of a list of professionals taken by President Lula as enemies and therefore liable to retaliation as opportunities present themselves.


Sergio Neumann

It’s been awhile …
The year was 1979. Miss Xuxa Meneghel did well, because back then there was the child protection agency, public prosecutor, Justice …
Good justice I still think there is, but watching this from a movie called: Love strange love, I am disgusted with this so that I could not resist the temptation to return to this case and once again remind parents who the Queen of little Boys and girls therefore may be that your son was a loyal subject and this pleasant lady, who, in an interview on “Amauri Jr” at the end of 80 years, said: “… and I do not regret nothing of what I did! All I did was a work !…”
Ever wanted to catch this wave?
As the Brazilian justice system allowed this lady, after making a pornographic movie where she has sex with a child, she was allowed to make children’s programs?
Things like that lead me to believe that in this country, only those who feel the weight of the staff of the law is even the poor.
We need to police and never allow such a thing happen again.
Watch the video!
But first, take their children closely.


Mario Kosel Filho murdered!


Mário Kosel Filho was born on July 6, 1949 in Sao Paulo. He was the son of Mario and Therezinha Vera Kosel Kosel. It was very helpful, liked to help everyone, especially the most needy. It was part of the Youth, Love, Brotherhood, founded by Father Silveira, Parish of Our Lady of Aparecida, in the neighborhood of Indianapolis, that included more than 30 people. The symbol of the group, a rose and a guitar were devised by Mário Kosel, who was affectionately known as Kuka. Kosel, was part of the 5th Company of the 2nd Marine Battalion, the 4th Infantry Regiment Raposo Tavares in Quitaúna life was brutally cut short in the early hours of June 26, 1968 terrorist attack in a vile and cowardly, implemented by radical leftist groups, formed by many of the people in power today:

 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – Killer

 Palocci – Killer

 José Dirceu – Killer

 Tarso Genro – Killer

 Dilma Rousseff – Killer

Dilma was one of 2 women who were inside the car that dropped the bomb on top of Kosel. He died without a chance for defense, because he was checking on his back had hurt in the other car that collided with a pole, after the warning shots the soldier Rufino.

Perhaps the shattered body of Kosel haunt the mind of Dilma Rousseff, maybe not …

But it is the Brazilians use to conscience and not put the country in the hands of this woman, because who participated in the murder of a true servant of the nation, can never become a presidential candidate and president of Brazil.

Brasil – Marginal Scholarship Program?


Did you know that every inmate with children has a scholarship to support the family, as children are grown, because the poor thing can not work to support their children because it is stuck?

It is called “aid-imprisonment” and, behold …. who was arrested from 01.12.2009, receives $ 752.12 (as is the minimum wage even for those who work honestly ????)

The value of the aid-confinement is the equivalent to 100% of the paycheck-to-benefit (there is a table).

The pay-to-benefit ratio is the average of 80% of the highest salaries, contribution to the vesting period, from July 1994.

For the insured uses (farm worker), the value of the allowance shall be imprisonment of a minimum wage, if not contributed voluntary basis.

Take the doubt on this Site:


Question that begs 1:
Did the children of the man who was killed by the poor fellow who is stuck receive a grant for a living?

Question that begs 2:
Have you seen a defender of human rights defending this scholarship for the children of victims?

Is why crime does not decrease ….

Mate and mug …… and win the Case – Bandido …!

And then Lula has said that Social Security can not afford to pay the fair adjustment to retirees …!!!!
Know who is funding this regalia Exchange Bandido?
We, with taxes and contributions!
Where are our politicians doing nothing?



Spread the word to all your contacts, even those who are on active duty
Out the nonsense of the benefit factor, he stole from workers when they retire, DECREASING THE VALUE OF BENEFIT, THAT MEMBERS VOTE is winding PROJECT MEDIA, BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO INTENTION OF THE EXTINGUISH ..


Sergio Neumann

Americans accused of kidnapping of children in Haiti?
Damn, those guys are not the saviors of the world?
As they are caught stealing children?
What bothers him is that everyone knows that, but nobody does anything!
Bunch of saints!
Meanwhile, a certain Colonel of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, had the courage worthy of a human being and a servant. The own son was caught stealing along with another MP, and when asked about what he would do, he simply did what is right. He said he created the child with dignity and taught to be honest, though, if he chose the wrong way, that he pay the consequences!
Lo and behold!
This is not no movie plot! It’s true! It happened today in Rio de Janeiro!
Finally someone who knows what is dignity, honesty and respect for the Brazilian people.
I vote that Colonel pra president of the republic with his eyes closed!
This country needs more “men” as well!


Sergio Neumann

As a child, I was taught that we should respect others, we should never lie, much less take what is not ours.
I do not know why, but I feel that these teachings have lost their meaning.
When I see a murderous minister with shouting and giving orders, and is still saying the weak defending the nation, the only real and true feeling in me is the repudiation of this cruel and corrupt system in which we are forced to live.
In the country where some chosen live in a mansion with the proper and best, and still are called “heroes! From” Warriors! What else can you do?
I only wonder if, in heaven, where indeed you are the sons of the banker in Sao Paulo, who had their lives taken by this lady are happy to see that there are people who still support and defend it.
We are even a mediocre people.
May God have mercy and keep us from electing this lady.

Tribo Band is the new show in Rio de Janeiro.


Brazil! The country’s dirty …


Sergio Neumann

It is there in my party …
And so on!
The dirty rolls released in Brazil, and most interesting is that no one takes a proper attitude, even if not honest.
In Brasilia the face of the people put money in half, but no judge with that purple takes attitude (they must have caught the tail), meanwhile, somewhere in this vast country, a poor woman steal a can of milk and go to jail for four years, as the male representative of the law is to enforce the actual speed.
Someone beats his chest and says it is free, but one member is 12 or 13 thousand dollars per month and takes Galisteu with the people’s money to ride in the Northeast, meanwhile the “liberated” won 500 bucks and can not go to the beach indigo.
A madam very fine people, and full of things chic handles the domestic donkey, you’re not even reading this right because, when cleaning the plasma TV’s mistress to the damaged rub it to clean the pens marks the youngest angel the boss soiled, that after having lain under the angel with the most.
The Romario, former and current Flemish Madureira) driving a Ferrari without paying tax on vehicles more than five years, but the dung of the poor, she thought she could buy a variant 78 and walk around, but forgot that the PM was right around the corner and he did not give a real pocket to please our dear protective order, and so went to jail for driving without a license, he does not know either what is $ 1,200.00, which will make you take them to a driver’s license.
And so on …
When I start to think about it all, I see that Brazil is the country’s dirty, but a country of children of the holy, therefore, is still a bitch word is not it?
And no one here wants to spoil the delicious ice cream anyone!